A Play


Robert Harders


1740 Burnell Drive

Los Angeles CA 90065

(323) 221-6284


by Robert Harders


Scene 1

(# sits at the side of the road. A trumpet fanfare announces an approaching car. # stands and puts out his thumb, hitching. & enters and puts out his thumb, competing for the ride. # repositions himself to regain the advantage for the ride. Then & repositions himself. As the two begin pushing and shoving each other, the car approaches and speeds past. They're both disappointed.)

&: Did you have to warp the frugal goose of epiphany?

#: Your attendance unshelves my heartburn, sparrow. Squat over my bullfinch and sing. Better yet, blow through tomorrow and depress me Thursday.

&: Follow at a safe distance; you're leaking into my air.

#: Once, I pedaled to the eyesore to loosen the cap and splash in the pits. Once I choked on the seeds of posterity and swallowed greenly amidst the arid markets. Now I flout the bellows of a tall offspring. Muzzle my soaps and we will pop the top alone. Undulate only if you must.

&: Revitalize.

#: You juicers sneak a furious groan through the tunnel.

&: Count the tables again. Unfold the crossroads and confiscate the fires, tackling bungalows and butterfly patterns alike. Migrate. Clean out my trousers and I won't dissemble.

(Trumpet fanfare announcing the approach of a car. They jump to the edge of the road, jockey for position, and stick out thumbs. A car speeds past. They're both disappointed. Scene 2 continues without break.)

Scene 2

&: I will fault this bloodless millennium. There is no milk to poop nor poetry to ply. Seriously. Replace the plum. Rot the veneer. Till then I'll gargle nasty phlegm.

#: Popularize the semi-transparent myth. Till then pish.

&: Retire and mourn. Let the rhino pull the rickshaw.

#: Retaliation? All is marshmallow.

&: Bluster rearm. The focus of contempt stumbles and strains to stand and bite. Rehash this jumble and I'll puke. My guts are burning.

#: My bath is dry.

&: Let's expand the page.

#: Disparity leads to clarity.

&: Unleash and spill or cork the logic.

#: Enemies prowl the aisles.

&: Fut.

#: Your loving madrigals ungown while spies surround.

&: Grrr.

#: My essential enzymes mix. Emotion.

&: Seedy sentiment.

#: Let action sedate the need.

&: Stand back embarrassing belcher. My sense of smell is a liability in this presence. Untimely meeting in an unventilated world.

#: Swaggering slime, I pee on your mousy creed. Intumescent stink pot. I'll clip your tail and cram baloney down your craw.

(They draw swords and fight)

&: I am death's midwife come to deliver you.

#: The middle will rape your remains.

&: They will chew for a night to get me down.

#: Swing and fall. Fall and die. I spit cankers into your crowded mouth.

&: Ugliness on the rocks. Your rare concert is cancelled. Feel my edge.

(He stabs him)

#: I cough blood and spew into empty racks. I bear down and squeeze my underpants. There I am. (to himself) Whine and surrender, imitator. Fall and forget you were once high. There is no love in burning shacks. In sinking ships. Crouch and crawl under whispered promises. Broken, decomposed flesh.

&: No more. Repent.

#: Bitter pill disgorge. You are my vomit. Now join me.

(He fights on)

&: Bite yourself and surrender. You were bought and sold. Rupture and collapse.

(He stabs him again)

#: Scrub me in serene chaos. But save my meat from a scruffy peace.

&: Your day is spoiled. Now sputter out.

#: I sneeze on your crotch.

(He dies)

&: Ghosts ignore you. Unite with nothing. Sound the truce on the trombone. This venting was not in vain. I have struggled with the zipper; the trophy still falls up. I have squeezed the clapstick dry. Now, to ride the glow into tomorrow.

(Trumpet fanfare announces an approaching car. He puts out his thumb. Car breaks to a stop some distance past him. He runs to get in.)

The End