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Re: RAT The Sassies!!!!

This is a public service message.

One does not make a plural by adding "'s" to a noun.

"8 hour's in an airplane hangar in Copenhagen" should be "8 hours"
"The Boy's Next Door" is really "The Boys Next Door"
"The Karamazov's doing their Mexican Cabaret piece" should be "The Karamazovs"

I am pointing this out in one message, and I don't mean to be cranky.  But 
this is becoming common in a lot of messages online, and when the same error 
is repeated and repeated it begins to have the appearance of being correct.  
(On a bigger stage, in Hitler's Germany they called this "the big lie.")

I strongly believe that part of our job in the theatre is to be accurate 
reporters.  We lose credibility if our reporting is plagued with low-level 

This is not to debate the list that was posted.  Some of that stuff was 
wonderful, and I envy the person who saw all of it.

But I think it's important to maintain rigor even in casual communications.  
Art needs precision, and so discussion of art.
