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RAT Re: novi

Dear Art Workers:

     Here's the latest on the Novi Sad Conference. This just in from Dijana (dah@eunet.yu):

     About practical things for RATs: Proper name for city where INFANT will be is Novi Sad (you pronounce it as you read it). I ll try to offer accommodation to all RATs but I can not promise that for everybody. We shall give our best. In the worst case, accommodation is really cheap here. Also, all rats should let me and Elza (kcns@eunet.yu) know when they are coming,  the best is to write to both of us. Again, we shall try to organize transport for all but in case it does not work it is easy: once at the Belgrade airport one should ask for mini bus to the town and then take taxi to central bus station. From there, there are buses to Novi Sad every hour app. till 10p.m.The other but more  expensive solution is taxi, which can cost about 15$ max 
- one should discuss  the price before driver starts to drive to Belgrade and  ask for central bus station. Third solution is to go by taxi to Novi Sad which can cost between 25 and 50 $, it depends how one is skilful in the old art of making good prices. Address in Novi Sad is: Kulturni centar, Katolicka porta 4. 
     Trip to Novi Sad lasts about one hour by car, little bit longer by bus. Although we live in very tensed country, trip to Novi Sad is nice and safe and people are friendly. As anywhere, one should take care about money and documents.And be sure you have Yugoslav  visa before you start coming here!
     But as I said , the best would be that people contact us with exact times and dates of their coming and we shall try to organize something.

     Dijana has a show opening shortly; more in two days.
