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RAT elections

The United States is an enormous high school.  Nine times out of ten, the
jock beats the geek.  Why did Bush senior choose Dan Quayle?  Because he was
a geek who needed jock appeal to win.  Why'd he declare war?  Because now
*he* wanted to be the jock - but a real jock, Bill Clinton, licked him.  Why
did Clinton's approval rate go up when the Starr Report broke?  It proved he
was a jock.  Why did Dole then lose no time in taping a TV ad for Viagra?
To show that Republicans can be jocks too, dammit, even when they lose

If this theory holds up, then Gore was in trouble the moment the public
became aware of his attempt at a jock makeover, since everyone knows he's a
geek.  If there's one thing you can't accuse G.W. Bush of, it's *trying* to
look like a jock.  Thus last week's DUI revelation may actually have worked
in his favor; it made him seem more of a jock.

I fear, then, that all this legal mayhem in Florida is playing as the
equivalent of the Drama Club protesting at the pep rally.  Who do the kids
in the Drama Club think they're impressing?

Aren't you glad high school's over?  Aren't you scared that, in fact, it
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