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Re: RAT, The dramaturgy of...


Art is communication.

Pandering to the audience in insincere communication. Saying what you know they want to hear. Not very interesting unless you (the audience) want to be pandered to. (which is a lot of the time.) 

Great art, great theater, is sometimes difficult to digest/understand/accept because what is being communicated is not easy or the mode of communication is not easy. 

(If you want to send a message use Western Union...or send an email.)

I have no problem with difficult art. The problem is when incomprehesibility becomes seen as a virtue ("it's not a bug. it's a feature!") and the artist purposefully confuses or ignores the recipient of the communication (the audience) because either the artist doesn't like them or because the artist thinks they will like her better if she's obscure.

It seems that it comes down to intention.

And respect. Pandering and intentionally creating incomprehesible material both imply a contempt for the audience. Foolish. Remember, there's more of them than there are of you. Hopefully.

Congratulations Allison!