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Re: RAT miracles

nick wrote:

> The filmmaker Fellini said something like "I once believed in prayer and
> miracles.  Now I believe in writing and art."

Interesting.  As if the one weren't the other (and vice versa).
Theater and religion both may be just one big con, a shell game, but the one thing pseudo-priests and
thieves can't steal from me is my belief in their miracle.  They can show me the wires, the whole stage
apparatus, they can laugh at how naive and uncool I am.  But they can't take away my faith in what
happened.  They think they've robbed me blind, but they've actually given me sight.  And I thank them.



Dan Dietz, co-Artistic Director
Salvage Vanguard Theater
1705 Guadalupe Street, Suite 301
Austin, Texas  78701
PH: 512.474-SVT-6, FAX: 512.474.SVT-0
"I hate theater."

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