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Re: few questions for the RAT PACK


I don;t expect applause, and I am anything but married to ANY rulebook. You
accused me wrongly, and also incorrectly. ( see my response to Professor

'He' doesn't evoke and image- itr serves as a linguistic placeholder. The
fact that it is 'he' rather than 'she' that became the placeholder is a
matter of history and socio-linguistics. Currently, it stands as the
referential pronoun for a non gender-specific instance.

And, for the record, if the rules were reveresed, I doubt if anyone would


----- Original Message -----
From: <Trystero44@aol.com>
To: <rat-list@whirl-i-gig.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 2:58 AM
Subject: Re: few questions for the RAT PACK

> Actually Senor Skipworthy, I am aware of the grammatical correctness of
> "he" in the manner that you did.  I am sure that everyone applauds your
> marriage to the rulebook, as well as your clever grasp of the English
> language.
>   However, *I* don't feel that "he" describes me, and I don't feel that
> word will ever evoke any image from a reader other than the image of a
> Does "she" describe you?  If the rules were reversed, what would men think
> about using the feminine pronoun as a default?
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