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RAT RatPhest Workshop: Dynamics of Ritual

Hey RATS: 

The following will take place at the Philly Rat
Conference on Friday, 6/22, from 7-9pm at the
Fleischer Art Memorial, 719 Catherine Street:
The Dynamics of Ritual: A Non-Frightening Interactive
Workshop for Anyone

In this workshop, attendees will participate in a
non-denominational discussion (approx. 1 hour) on
Ritual Dynamics which includes:

1. Internal Techniques (Meditation, Energy raising,
Focus, Motion)

2. The Sacred Space (Polarities, Elements, and a bit
of Psychogeography)

3. Dynamics of Group Ritual (Designing effective
rituals, Potential uses of group ritual)

4. Mystery Plays & Initiatory Journeys…Ritualizing the
journey from Point A to Point B 

…followed by a somewhat spontaneous, mostly
improvised, painless interactive ritual designed and
performed by attendees using concepts from the
discussion. Anyone who refuses to participate or ask
questions will be sacrificed to appease the great god
i hope to see ya there! if anyone has any questions
about it, consult your pineal gland or email
me...whichever is least taxing on the environnent :)


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