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RE: RAT yer thoughts?

Ya know... if you don't have a car in L.A. yer kinda screwed. What r we
gonna do about that?

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Matt Bretz [SMTP:mabretz@cbomedia.com]
> Sent:	Thursday, June 24, 1999 5:22 PM
> To:	R.A.T. z
> Subject:	RAT yer thoughts?
> some info and ideas:
> suzanne maynard would like to teach a workshop in what she calls "shape
> scenes."  she appliees geometric shapes to scenes.  the writer is forced
> to write a "square scene" or a "tringular scene" and the differing power
> dynamics which occur organically shape character and dialogue.  she used
> the technique extensively in Beatrice, which we are world premiereing in
> LA the weekend after the conference..  
> gary smoot can't be here but thinks the design challenge is a great
> idea.  perhaps we pick a moment in a play which calls for high cheese.
> we offer the challenge to everyone in attendance.  post it even through
> the weekend.  you may only use found objects in creating the effect
> (i.e. you have no budget)  sunday night at the chilicook off we showcase
> the results.
> michael kaliski, tabboo theatre will host the chili cookoff from his
> beautiful hillside home.  shall we say 5 PM on sunday and catch the
> sunset?
> do we wanna do some sorta scavenger hunt that takes folks through a
> variety of RATty LA theatres?  
> shall we have an evening of bizarre bar jokes/circus tricks/auditory
> impressions -- everyone must come up with one theatrical thing that they
> "do" and we string them together into a show.
> i am more and more interested in the matthew bourne, robert wilson, ruth
> margraff mixed genre performance.  i wanna make a contemporary operetta
> about white supremacist encampments and the wackie hippies who keep em
> honest (with all non singers of course)  how could we shape a workshop
> around the art/dance/opera/theatre fusion thang?  
> chris jeffries, would you be into that?
> matthew