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RAT Re: Common Courtesy

John, you're absolutely right. I hereby apologize to Mr.
Lineberger for mocking the lack of spell-check in his posting calling
my joke "stupid." And in the future, if he or anyone wants to
take personal issue with what's said here, maybe a direct dialogue
is appropriate between parties, not wasting everyone else's

As a newcomer to this list (though I've been reading past
postings) I'll do my best to avoid condemning individuals or their
ideas, but I will condemn innacuracy in postings, especially when
it's about where our money comes from. 

But, conflict being the basis of drama according to Aristotle,
this list would be pretty boring without the conflict, wouldn't

Paul "Ker" Plunkett
Sacred Fool

>From:  Sylvain, John  (  >jsylvain@station.sony.com  ) 
>To:  rat-list@whirl-i-gig.com 
>Date:  06/28/1999 16:26:17 
>Subject:  RE: RAT the other paul 
>Content-Type:  Mime  
 Message Body:
Screw monitoring responses. There is nothing safe in this (non)
which is why I love it so much. Heated reactions from overly
wackos and insane postings from nut cases are a SMALL price to
pay for
freedom of expression. And the people I disagree with make me
think harder
or at least articulate my thoughts.

The only thing that drives me crazy is the constant pointing
out that "you
have a right to your opinion". Maybe that doesn't quite go
without saying
but it can certainly go without saying for a day or two. 

Only two things would come out of a face to face confab about
flaming on the
1. Some kind of guidelines for polite discourse (=CENSORSHIP IN

2. A nasty fight that ends with a homocide or a communal
pronouncement that
"everyone has the right to their opinion."

Since I bet a lot of debates will end with that last thing and
I don't want
censorship I think a roundtable on this topic should be

Of course you're all entitled to your opinions and if it
happens I just
won't go, which is fine, but I just wanted to take advantage of
my ability


PS Ya ever notice how much taking the time to express yourself
takes away
from your life?

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Matt Bretz [SMTP:mabretz@cbomedia.com]
> Sent:	Monday, June 28, 1999 5:07 PM
> To:	rat-list@whirl-i-gig.com
> Subject:	Re: RAT the other paul
> i tend to agree with lee but i don't know. perhaps it
> debate.  perhaps it strengthens individual will.  perhaps it
> regulates the growth of the organism stimulating reproduction
by asexual
> budding -- oh my i'm getting hot under the collar...
> this is why i suggest a workshop or roundtable
> anyone wanna take up a counterpoint to me, lee, erik?  are we
> canabalism?  is it constructive?  should we monitor/regulate
> impulses in favor of the constructive or experience the
thrill of the
> demolition derby?
> buttley

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