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Re: RAT Road Rambling and Rants/uh uh

Clarification:The Mark taper Forum is definitely an "institution. In no way 
RAT. But RATS do work there. (maybe 2 or 3)To my knowledge  the on line 
collaboration had no money involved. there was no commission. The stationary 
the cover letter was written on may be taper but the effort was independent 
of the institutuion other than it was being scammed and used as the dog it 
often is. The Scam was that caridad put it together while she had her writer 
in residence status for the year. Thus she had the time and the equipment to 
see this project onto paper. My guess is that this work may never have found 
any life in the short term unless rats were coming to LA at this time. The 
fact that the institution had to be credited as "developed with the support 
of" is just another rat scam. Just like  Bottom's Dream has to credit the 
city of culver city for the semi free use of The Ivy Substation. That's the 
payoff. They get connected. But the hand that reaches is reaching towards us. 
Not the other way. Once again I want to  keep up with the Jones. Stations of 
Desire comes to us as good solid work. It cost us no money. But it did cost 
someone else and in this instance it may have been an institution. But we are 
reading it and discovering it first. I bet Erik and octavio got more for 
their commission of Shiner than the 13 playwrights that collaborated on 
Stations of Desire. Undermain is known for commissions won in bowling matches 
but just because this work comes from the hands of a worker at an 
institution, doesn't discount it. after all, who is in posession of the work? 
And Octavio has had his work commissioned by the South Coast Rep. a big white 
institution., that probably helped him spend some time working in dallas. 
Does The American Living Room series get contaminated because it has an 
affiliation with Lincoln center.? does that diminish Tiny Mythic.? I piss on 
a lot of things but I am not afraid of being supported as i do so.. as long 
as my stream rambles straight and from inside me, I'm still pissing.