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RAT A resident angel dispenses brotherly love


 A number of us on this list talabout ways to mover showa, from one
RATholwe to another. In my mind, at least, Mitchell Gossett, Jason
Neulander and Annex in Seattle are at the forefront ofthis movement- taking
it from theory to practice,from page to stage.

 Christopher DeWan ( of the LA RAT scene) is coming East to roost for the
Thanksgiving Holidays. I'm proud to announce that you can catch Chris in a
reading of Ruth Margraff's THE ELEKTRA FUGUES, Monday  29 November at 8 pm.
Location: Theatre Double, 1619 Walnut Street in downtown Philadelphia.

 I'm really excited about this- not only because it's actually happening,
but  also becaause it sets a wonderful precedent. In the spirit of this
sort of microcollaboration -- I invite all RAT actors passing through
Philly to let me know your schedule, and we'll see what we can work out.

Just a fact here, folks- the secondary meaning  of collaborate is as
follows: "to cooperate, esp. willingly, with an enemy of one's country."
Interesting. Isn't art, with its emphasis on total freedom of expression,
the fnal enemy of the state anyway??
